Monday, April 14, 2014

Empower Network Blog | My 6-Figure Blueprint

Warning: Sizzlin content reserved for all up-and-coming MLM top earners...

Empower Network Blog | My 6-Figure Blueprint

The following Empower Network blog strategy, by one of my mentors and friends, changed my life:


“But wait, Maria.  I thought…”

Yeah, I know, I know.  There's a ton of different schools of thought on this.

Some sponsors encourage you to blog about anything and everything on your Empower Network blog.

Current events, celebrities, stories, random YouTube videos, whatever…

I totally disagree.

Not because that can’t result in some leads and maybe a sale or two, eventually.

But take it from someone who’s been mentored by someone who has built over 70 niche blogs, across dozens of markets:

General blogging is broke blogging. Zero. Nada.

Let me explain to ya.

Not all traffic is created equal.  And while blogging about random stuff and hot trends probably will bring visitors to your website, that doesn’t mean you’ll actually ever make money from those visitors.

My experience tells me, you won’t.

Over and over, I’ve found – usually the hard way – that to make money blogging, you’ve got to target buyers.

I know I sound like a broken record here, but:

… it’s not about quantity of leads, it’s about quality.

… and it’s not about quantity of blog traffic, it’s also about quality.

Assuming that’s understood, then yeah, the more of each, the better.

Problem is, most bloggers don’t fully appreciate this concept.  I see them blogging just to blog.

“‘Cause my sponsor told me to.”


“They said just blog about anything, as long as I’m blogging daily.”

That type of advice, in my opinion, is just plain irresponsible.

You’re telling someone to go put in work each day that has almost no chance of resulting in sales.

Now, to be fair – I don’t think this ridiculous advice is intentional.

Empower Network Blog

The “advisers” just don’t know any better.

But I do.  And I want you to succeed with Empower Network.  So how ’bout some real guidance?

(From a real six figure blogger.)

Okay then, back to buyers… and how to target them and only them.

I’m going to go ahead and list, in order of most likely to buy, the types of keywords I’ve made the most money blogging with.

1) Product Names

This is probably the most obvious and with a background in promoting digital products off ClickBank, blogging about product names was one of the first strategies I learned.

The idea here is to create your entire blog around the specific product you’re trying to sell.

So you’d want to blog about (and get ranked in Google for) the product name, the product creator, product name + review, and so on.

If we’re talking about Empower Network, that means you’d write lots of posts on:

… Empower Network.

… Empower Network review.

… Empower Network David Wood.

… Empower Network David Sharpe.

… Empower Network blog.

… Empower Network make money.

You get the picture.  Anything a potential buyer might search Google for before pulling the trigger and joining Empower Network, you’d want to blog about.

By doing this, you’re blogging with absolute efficiency, as almost all of what you write is likely to attract buyers to your site.

This ‘angle of attack’ has proven, time and time again, to be the most surefire way of actually earning commissions when you do, in fact, get traffic.

There’s a “but” coming though…

It’s not without downsides.

And the two major ones are: competition and ceiling.

Most decent online marketers know this and therefore, you’ll see lots of high level competition for these product-based keywords.

This can make it very tough to rank on page one of Google.

Next, depending on the product you’re selling, there’s some sort of ceiling on the total amount of traffic you could ever hope to bring in and thus, the total amount of money you could make.

The limit comes from search volume.

Put simply, there’s only so many searches for “Empower Network” or “Empower Network review” or whatever.

So even if you did rank well, eventually you’ll plateau.

Good news is, for super popular “movements” like the Empower Network, the search volume is quite high and so that “ceiling” is probably something you’d settle for in a heartbeat.

Having said all that, my final thoughts on blogging about product names is this:

Test the waters first with a smaller, easier, affiliate blog.

Learn the ropes.

Prove to yourself you can make it happen.

Then, when you’re ready to swim with the sharks, consider doing it on a bigger scale, for something like Empower Network.

Notice even I didn’t create this blog around Empower Network.

Only recently am I beginning to up my percentage of Empower Network-themed posts…

… and that’s because, now after nearly four months of consistent blogging, I feel like I’m starting to gain enough authority to compete with the big dogs who’ve been in Empower much longer than me.

I should also note that I’m not bouncing from one theme to the next.

Yes, I’m blogging more about Empower Network, but I haven’t strayed from my original target, which is, people who want to build a smarter MLM business online, starting with a free online business (Instant Payday Network).

However, EN is the vehicle that will take ‘em there.

And that’s why I can talk about it freely, as it’s an important part of that mission.

2) Specific “Pockets Of People”

I wanna start by saying, remember, there’s no absolute right or wrong for everybody.And you have to weigh the pros and cons of each scenario and decide what’s best for YOU.

In one of my team members case, I decided that a product-based blog for Empower would be too competitive and take too long to start seeing results.

For this reason, I had him go this route: targeting a small, specific, pocket of people (Loan Officers wanting to make more money).

Now, if I was coaching my team member on how to make money with ClickBank, depending on the product we selected, I may have pushed him to go with a product review website.

It’s always situational.

Anyways, this blogging strategy is essentially you writing to serve the needs of a unique subgroup of people who’re likely to be open to buying what you’re selling.

Ideally, you would wanna go with a “pocket” where you have pre-established credibility.

This style is all about conversions.

Because your blogging is so damn targeted, and everything you do is so tailored to that target market, it doesn’t take a ton of traffic to get sales.

If you can find a pocket where you’re instantly credible, usually because you are the pocket, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

In terms of the case study, my team member is a Loan Officer, he’s targeting nurses L.O.'s that wanna make more money…

… bingo, now he’s promoting Empower Network in a way that makes him way more relevant than just any ol’ Empower Network affiliate who might happen to have an overworked, underpaid, stressed-out L.O. find their blog.

If you were that L.O., who’d you be more inclined to listen to?

Darn straight, a fellow Loan Officer who knows what you’re going through.

Although this still might not convert quite as well as blogging only about the product itself, the huge upside here is that you can cherry pick low competition pockets.

The end benefit is your blog posts rank faster and with less effort.

You get to the money quicker.

And, it’s more brand-able to you – overall, a much more long-term business strategy, since that pocket will never go away (while a product might).

The main downside mirrors that of product-based blogging: limited earning potential based on demand.

Only here, it’s more severe.

You’ll find there’s way less search volume for such specific terms.

But again, we’re willing to accept that in favor of weak competition and very high conversions.

Almost nobody does this.

Those who do can create a “category of one” and dominate, even with very little traffic.

To put this into perspective, on one of my older blogs, I targeted a very high-end, but low search volume keyword group, got ranked for the main variations and built an additional $5,000 per month income stream in just over 30-days.

It took a whopping 14 leads (if I remember that far back) to get there.

See what I’m saying?

My blogging was so specific and connected with that pocket so well, when they landed on my post, a crazy high percentage ended up purchasing my big ticket service.

3) Removing Pain

The final blogging angle I want to discuss is creating a blog around specific keywords linked to removing pain and/or solving problems.

Not sure if you’ve heard this before, but removing pain is the single greatest factor that causes prospects to buy.

Notice I didn’t say adding pleasure?

For perspective:

Would you be more likely to pull out your credit card, on the spot, and purchase a “miracle cream” that’s proven to clear up the exact, totally embarrassing, itchy, painful rash that’s developed on your face?

Or a cream that, when applied, makes your skin look younger, tighter, and healthier?

“Umm, gimme Product A right now, dammit!”

Contrary to popular belief, we’re actually much more afraid of being in pain (whether that’s physical or emotional or both) than we are motivated to increase pleasure.

“Okay Maria, so in terms of selling the living hell out of Empower Network, whaddya getting at?”

Well, I’m talking about just that: blogging about keywords that remove pain or solve problems, whereby those topics just so happen to include Empower Network as the solution.

Some examples:

… how to get out of debt.

… how to pay down your credit card.

… how to prevent filing for bankruptcy.

… how to save your marriage (when primary riff is money-related).

… how to quit that soul-sucking job you despise.

… how to make extra money to avoid losing your home.

Those are just right off the top of my head.  Notice this differs from keyword strategy #2 in that you’re targeting more of a problem or a theme, and not an exact audience.

Anyone could have debt.

Anyone could be desperately trying to fire their boss.

Make sense?

Going this route has the benefit of still bringing in buyers, although I list it last because this audience will probably not have credit card in hand, like with product-based keywords…

… and you won’t have quite the same level of rapport and connection as when you target a well-defined pocket.

However, the upside to this method is that, with stealth research…

… you can probably find an angle that has more search volume than the first two strategies, but still moderate competition levels.

I dig up such keywords using Long Tail Pro Platinum.


What should Empower Network bloggers be blogging about to make fat stacks of cash?

Well, I just hooked you up with a $1,000 consulting session, absolutely free.

The three “avenues” I listed all work incredibly well.

I’ve built blogs in many different niches and these three styles have consistently outperformed any others that I’ve tried, especially the “no style” approach where you’re just blogging with no game plan whatsoever.

You have to factor in your skill level as a blogger, your goals, your experiences, your keyword research, and your passions to come up with the best blueprint for you.

And don’t underestimate the role “passion” plays.

If I gave you an incredible blog theme that was guaranteed to bring in motivated buyers and I thought you could rank extremely fast for the appropriate keywords…

but you didn’t know squat or give a crap about the main topic…

… how valuable would your blog posts be?  And more importantly, how long could you blog consistently about that topic?

I’ll answer both for you: not very.  And not very.

Been there.  Tried it.  Failed miserably.

Have the bad memories to prove it.

Good news is, as long as you’re creating your entire blog around one of those keyword plans, and you stick with it, and you’re in it to help others, you will win.

Let me stress this, though.  I said “entire” blog.

You can’t jump around from one style or topic or theme or pocket to the next and expect to get far.

Pick one approach, commit to it and dominate.

I’m one of the best MLM blogger.

That’s all me.

Nobody can compete with me.

If you’re in any MLM and you want to build it smarter, faster and for free, using only a laptop, from anywhere in the world…

… I’m your gal – I’ll show you how to do that through blogging.

In my case, I’m using approach #3.

My niche is a bit broader, fairly competitive and takes longer to dominate, but I’m okay with that.

I’ve got plenty of other blogs that use the first two strategies.

Now, if I was new and desperate to make money as quick as possible, without so much concern about the long-term potential, I’d definitely lean towards either a product-based blog or a pocket-based blog.

With any angle, yes, there can be some overlap.

Here on Maria Galloway Blog, you see me talking about Empower Network and Instant Payday Network a lot, but yet, this is not a product-based blog.

That’s okay, if it makes sense and ties back into your overall purpose.

However, it’s more likely with style #3, since this is broader by nature and allows me to cover more topics.

The first two approaches will be much more specific and every post needs to discuss either the product or the pocket, depending on which you’re rolling with.

Wow, what initially began as a simple post where I wanted to make one small point – blog to attract buyers – turned into quite the blogging overview.

Hope you realize the insight I just shared here.

Understanding this post is the key to writing your own checks with your Empower Network blog.

Seriously, go look at any random Empower Network blog right now.

Whaddya see?

Post #1: Online Marketing Tips That Work

Post #2: Automated Commission Ignition Domination Review

Post #3: Is Empower Network A Scam?

Post #4: Hilarious News Anchor Bloopers

Post #5: Funny Cat Video

Post #6: How To Make Money On YouTube

Post #7: Super Affiliate Secrets

Post #8: Empower Network Review – The Honest Truth

Post #9: What I Ate For Breakfast This Morning

Post #10: How To Make A New List With Aweber

This is what the ten most recent posts look like for bloggers who’re clueless or who’ve been given bad advice.

There’s no keyword theme; no consistency; no purpose.

Google’s way too smart for this stuff.

You can’t just pick random keywords and rank for everything.

It’ll never happen.

Even if you did, most of those titles will not bring buyers to your blog (in the hypothetical examples above, probably only the Empower Network product-based ones would).

Blogging daily, aimlessly, and wanting to make $10,000 a month promoting Empower Network, is like hopping in your car and driving…

… trying to get to a mall you’ve never been to before… in a city you’ve never even driven in.

It’s very, very, very unlikely to happen.

Those of us who crush it with blogging know exactly what we’re doing.

Every post, every page has a purpose.

We know and understand who we’re talking to, what they want, and how to position our content as the solution they’ve been looking for.

When you do this, making money with your blog gets a whole lot easier.

Click here for the closest thing to couch potato money…

Blogging Queen at Your Service,
Maria Galloway

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