Thursday, April 17, 2014

Empower Network Compensation Plan

Empower Network Compensation Plan (Bout To Tear The Roof Off)

by James Sahady in Empower Network Login

Empower Network Compensation Plan… Go From Zero To Hero With 100% Commissions…

empower network compensation plan hero 2

Let’s keep it real here.

There’s more chitter chatter rumors floating around about the Empower Network Compensation Plan than in a high school girl’s locker room.

As a leader, questions get tossed at me from all directions.

“Is 100% commissions legit or are they full of it?”

“This is nothing but a low down dirty scam right?”

“How can I take advantage of it and hit it out of the park?”

And so forth.

And I’m certain that before you made an appearance on this blog, that you were exposed to more than a couple marketers who were full of more hype than a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.

Well, if you’re seeking the facts behind the Empower Network Compensation Plan, then the buck stops here.

Cuz’ I’m leaving my opinions where they should be kept – with myself.

And I’m going to deliver to you the absolute truth behind the comp plan that has more buzz than celebrity sex tapes.

So, let’s begin. Shall we?!

Empower Network Compensation Plan

empower network compensation plan cash

This comp plan was designed for both the heavy hitting recruiting marketer, and for the marketer who would rather build a team and leverage the efforts of others.

Now, truth be told, with a comp plan built for everyone’s skill sets, anyone has the potential to succeed.

However most won’t.

Not because Empower Network is really a scam, or network marketing is more counterfeit than fake dolla’ dolla’ bills.

The facts are that most don’t have the skills necessary to make a prime time paycheck within their first few months in business, and as a result they throw in their pink slip.

But, as in every MLM Compensation Plan, everybody can write their ticket to success.

Making money with the Empower Network Compensation Plan is definitely doable…

… even if you kick your “list” to the curb.

… even if your squad from your other MLM isn’t coming with you.

… even if you get in after Empower Network is more saturated than a sponge in a pool.

… even if you’ve never made a dime online.

I am able to say that with complete certainty, cause there are boat loads of case studies which have shown these statements to be accurate.

In fact, the very first three explain the story of yours truly.

And I’m doing pretty bloody well for myself.

So, how do you go from newbie status to baller status?

Well to pop it off, if you want to know how to make bookoo bucks with the Empower Network Compensation Plan.

You have to know the ins and the outs right?!

Absolutely. So, let’s get down to the nitty gritty so you can start banking some fat paychecks.

Holla’ if you feel me!

Empower Network Compensation Plan- Sh@# You Need To Know

  • You can hit the ground running and start making bank from Day 1 with Empower. Honestly, I took the plunge, invested in my financial future, and went “all in.” And within a few days, I made all of it back and was in profit mode, thanks to the free lead generation strategies that I teach my team.
  • Take home 100% commissions across the board except with the Masters Course (you keep $3,000 from the $3,500).
  • Commissions are immediately yours. This means quicker cash flow so that you can enjoy your earnings.
  • You only passup sales #2, #4, #6 and every 5th sale thereafter for each individual product, and NOT each individual sale.
  • And with your passups, their passups will skip you and be passed up as well.
  • You have to own the product to make a commission from it. For example, if you own the viral blogging system only and you make a blog sale, you cash in to the tune of 100%. However, if you sell the $15k formula which carries a $1,000 commission, you get diddly squat, because you don’t own it.

These are the main key points I need you to be completely conscious of.

Therefore, with these bullet point engrained, it’s time to cut the chit chat and drop it like it’s hot.

I’m talking about what kicks ass, what sucks, and most importantly, how do make money with it.

I’ll begin with what kicks ass.

Empower Network Compensation Plan- What’s Bad Ass

empower network compensation plan badass

First of all, the pace at which an income can be produced comes to mind.

The reality is, you could begin getting commissions within 5-minutes of signing on the virtual dotted line. That rocks.

And what makes this so much sweeter, is that the commissions are yours and can be put right into your bank.

The only honest method to get paid quicker online, would really be to market your own products, which most folks want absolutely no part of.

Now you’ve really transformed your life in such a short amount of time.

And to keep it real, certainly that’s a feature for many 2-tier affiliate programs or MLM businesses, but Empower Network has brought it to a different degree of pure awesomeness.

With slick and smooth price-points from $25 on up to $3,500, let’s face it, these items could be offered to just about anyone.

And though you pass up a few sales here and there, you can blow past your sponsors earnings easily.

At the same time, it is also beneficial for your sponsor to help you bank some sales, because they get paid and have a direct interest in your success.

However, no comp plan is ideal.

Though I look at Empower Network as the equivalent to planting a money tree in my backyard, it’s not without it’s flaws.

Empower Network Compensation Plan- What Blows

empower network compensation plan sucks

Clearly, no matter how much cheddar you have coming in, passup sales suck more than Monica Lewinsky in a room full of Presidents.

To break it down real quick for you, basically you’re passing up 50% of your first 6 sales for each product.

That’s $9,000 with respect to the Masters Course only. Kiss $9k a long and sad goodbye.

No matter how those Empower Network diehards try to spin it, $9k is still $9k.

Cuz’ the low down dirty shame of it is, that not everyone on your squad is going to send you a ton of passup sales.

Statistics prove that just about 10% will, and maybe .0005% will be mega producers for you.

And remember, whether you look at it this way, or look at it that way, your passups will never put money in your pockets.

See, I entirely missed this point.

I thought that even my passups would pass their sales up on to me.

After all, I introduced ‘em in, right?

Hell to the No.

Doesn’t work that way.

So for instance, I’ve got a guy hitting home run after home run after home run (aka making “all in” sales every few days).

And I’m like, “Wait one minute, where’s my money? Give me my money!”

I felt like a bonehead when I realized the truth… I didn’t understand this man happened to become a passup for me on just about every product.

Lesson learned. Now I have it.

Moral of the comp plan narrative?

If you know with absolute certainty that you’re bringing in somebody who’s gonna create some buzz…

Make certain they’re not a passup sale for you.

If they happen to be, you’re literally throwing away a full time income stream where you don’t have to put in any work.

My advice – keep them on the sideline till they’re no longer a pass up.

So to wrap up that which sucks, screaming “100% commissions” is good, provided that you mark a nice big asterisk next to it, that clarifies everything I just mentioned.

Bottom line, for the price of entry, I haven’t even sniffed another business model online that enables you to really make up to $3,000 per sale, with a product line that’s desired by the masses.

Look at it this way: who doesn’t want or need to earn money online at home? Or take their present company and figure out how to earn more with it?

Can’t think of one person that wouldn’t benefit greatly.

When the lights go off and I’m cuddling in bed with my wife, I’m glad for the Empower Network Compensation Plan that David Wood and David Sharpe came up with.

Talking from experience, when you get the ball rollin’, the party don’t stop.

So, if passups are worst case scenario, sign me up every day of the week.

Ok. Now that you’ve got a great feel for this 100% commission machine, how can ya take advantage of it?

Empower Network Compensation Plan- Money In The Bank

empower network compensation plan piggy bank

There’s one important misconception out there.

That your entire focus should be on how many sales you could pound out per day.

That’s great and all, but would you rather have to make 160 of the $25 sales to earn $4,000?

Or would you prefer to make just one $15k formula and Masters Course sale?!

Can I give a shout out to Captain Obvious.

Sure, there’s ton of recognition and internet fame that comes with being a sponsoring king or queen.

But on the flip side, I can let you know that concentrating on quality instead of quantity makes for a paycheck with a whole lot more zeros.

Rewind that, yo.

Yep, I mentioned you can create more cheddar and really sponsor fewer individuals.

How so? Well, remember, most of your sponsors will never pass you up a sale.

It’s because being ultra successful in Empower, just like in every aspect of life, is highly uncommon.

Over 150,000 marketers took massive action and have promoted Empower Network… but less than 1% have produced a full time income.

Understand this – the majority of prospects: A) won’t actually purchase over the $25 blogging program and B) will create squadoosh (nothing) for your pockets.

Would you be better off sponsoring 100 people who bought the blogging system, and sat on their asses all day hoping and wishing for sales to just float down from the heavens…

… or would your time be better served identifying A+ Players who have the cash, the desire and are ready to rock and roll with you today?!

empower network compensation plan captain

Common sense and currently several months of experience tells the latter to me.

All the great businessmen and women of our time – Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Oprah – talk about surrounding yourself with the cream of the crop both in business and your personal life.

I can’t consider another business beyond network marketing where appreciating that theory could become more useful.

And that’s why if you want to cash in big tickets, you have to focus your efforts on speaking with high quality buyers.

And to tell the truth, it’s by far easier to get them contacting you, and wanting more information from you, then those who have one foot in and their other foot out just for the $25 blogging system.

Don’t believe me? Let me prove to you how easy it is to make your first few “all in” sales within a few days after signing up, so you’re rolling in the dough.

Click here, and I’ll walk you step-by-step with proof of how simple this is.

And if you have any questions regarding the Empower Network Compensation Plan, please drop a comment below and I’ll hit you back.

Your Empower Network Compensation Plan Coach,

James Sahady

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