Thursday, April 3, 2014

Empower Network Review

Empower Network Review… Dangerous Info That Will Blow Your Mind


Now, let’s get down to business. Woot woot.

Do you hate the typical Empower Network Review that blows more smoke than Joe Camel?

You see, this chick over here hates hype. I can’t stand it.

I hate it more than those slow, turtle like drivers, who hop into the left lane and go 20 miles below the speed limit.

You’re seriously interested and considering Empower Network as the money making vehicle that can help you live an amazing lifestyle.

I absolutely respect that and admire it as well.

Just a few months ago, I was actually on the other side of this computer just like you.

And I was searching day and night for a legitimate review.

But most were filled with sales pages that were passing around some major cult like Kool Aid.

I admit, I took a few sips. And then spit it right back out. Disgusting!

It is extremely easy to get sidetracked with all the pictures of big paychecks getting tossed around.

And now that I’m on the inside, I am committed to giving those who are serious about Empower Network, the absolute facts.

So, with that, I can tell you with everything in me that I am a great ‘hands-on’ Leader that will answer all your calls and concerns!

YES, I did say I would actually answer your phone calls :)

So, without further ado, let’s jump all in.


Empower Network Review

Let’s start with the obvious question, “What in the world is this Empower Network thingy?”

Well, just like there’s more than one way to skin a cat, there’s more than one answer.

First off, Empower Network is a product driven company.

For those of you who are too thick headed to understand what that means, lemme’ explain.

No dollar is ever exchanged, unless a product is sold first.

Did you catch that?

“So, it’s not one of those thingies where you recruit 3, and they recruit 3, and then they recruit 3, and then you live happily ever after?”

You may be looking at the screen like it had three heads, but seriously I get asked that all the time.

To begin, Empower Network is not a thingy.

It’s a legitimate business which has paid out over $60,000,000 in commissions the past two years.

And yes captain obvious, there is an affiliate opportunity, but let’s not put the cart before the horse.

I will get to that.

Again, Empower Network is and will always be a product based company.

The core product, which is the heart and soul of EN, is the Empower Network Viral Blogging System And beware, it does bite.

This Viral Blogging, is a blogging platform that any business owner and entrepreneur can leverage to market their business, products and services to buyers on the internet.

The rest of their product line consists of step by step marketing courses, that walk the most advanced marketers to the complete newbies through a series of action steps, that will strategically place their blog in front of thousands of buyers every day.

Whether your Plain Jane, or Small Business Owner Doug, or multi-millionaires Bob and Cindy…

These courses will show you, through over the shoulder video tutorials how to market your business online, and convert your traffic into sales.

And now let’s kick this sexy money making vehicle into full gear, and shift from the products to the affiliate opportunity.

Beep Beep!


Empower Network Compensation Plan

Before we kick this into overdrive, I want to slam on the brakes real quick.

If after reading this entire article, you only retain one tidbit of information, let it be this.

The Empower Network affiliate program is 100% optional.

No one is kidnapping you, holding you for ransom and making you market these products.

The decision is yours. Don’t let anyone ever let you think otherwise.

Now having said that, as a professional marketing superstar, I highly recommend it.

And so will over 150,000 other affiliates as well.

Now, a lot of our buyers are business owners and entrepreneurs who want to solely market their business, products and services.

And with Blog Beast, they tear the roof off.

But what happens is, they become a victim of their own success. Sounds a lil’ bit ironic, don’t you think.

Alanis Morissette’s ear may be twitching right now.

See, they use the products and the blogging platform to terrorize their competitors and rank on the 1st page of Google for their target audience.

Game over!

But then, as a result of their success, they fall in love with the product.

Dirty lil’ games these products play.

And then comes the big decision. Boom! They decide to market the products as well.

This happens all the time.

So let’s dig deeper, and explore an Empower Network Review of the affiliate opportunity.

How do you feel about earning up to $4,625 per sale?

Does it stroke you the right way? For me, it’s music to my ears. Especially as an Empower Network Leader!

There are countless people who I come across everyday that are sick and tired of grinding day after day, at their job.

They miss personal time… they miss family time… and they want more out of life.

Some are thousands of dollars in debt, and live paycheck to paycheck.

However, with just one sale, they now earned over $4,500.

That gives them the freedom to leave the office early a few nights out of the week… or request some time off of work to spend with their family…

Or pay off a few outstanding credit card bills… or just give them some breathing room financially.

Honestly, $4,625 is more than most people make in an entire month.

Even after working 40+ hours per week.

With Empower you can make that and more in just one day.

But don’t be fooled. Just because you CAN make it, doesn’t mean you will.

You can’t invest in the courses and the blogging system and expect the sky to rain commissions.

Though, that would be nice. It’s not reality.

You have to get your fanny off of the couch and take massive action on what you learn.

Now please don’t associate massive action with time consuming action.

To play devil’s advocate, when I first heard this concept I looked at those two as having the same meaning.

But now, having lived in the internet marketing realm for a while, I know it’s the same as working smarter and not harder.

If you listen to the courses for about half an hour each day, and then take action and market your business accordingly…

In as little as 45 minutes to an hour each day, you will be knocking on the doors of financial freedom and time freedom.

Who’s there? Lil’ old me!

Now, for the sake of being totally objective, let’s take a look at both the positives and the negatives.


Empower Network

Because as great as Empower Network is, there are definitely a few downsides.

So, first let me pump you up with the great aspects of the Empower Network affiliate program:

  • With a low-priced entry option ($25/month), anyone can get started
  • Marketers can make up to $4,625 upfront per sale
  • Marketers can make up to $125 in recurring income per sale
  • The money is deposited from your customers account into your account

Now, let’s take a glance at the dark side:

  • You have to study the courses daily to get results
  • You have to take 15-30 minutes daily to apply what you learned
  • If you want to make commissions on the products you have to own them

So there’s the good, the bad, and here’s the ugly that other Empower Network Leader’s won’t dare to tell you.

But you have to promise that this is our lil’ secret, and keep it hush hush.

The truth of the matter is… as good as the marketing courses are, it’s not enough.

Oh no she didn’t!

Oh yes I did! It’s the absolute truth.

When most marketer’s get started, they come down with the worst virus possible- paralysis by analysis.

Empower Network’s products are incredible. They changed my life.

However, there is too much information for both new and experienced marketers to digest, without being distracted by this marketing method and that marketing method.

What every new Empower Network affiliate needs is a coach!

A mentor who has achieved success, and is willing to show you how you can do the same.

A coach who will show you how to apply the information in a step by step manner.

And thankfully with Empower, you get one for absolutely FREE!

However, and I find this very unfortunate, most new marketers fall victim to the allure of the six digit paychecks a lot of these leaders are showing off.

First off, I find it very sleazy, because instead of getting to know you personally, and getting to know your dreams, your ambitions and your goals, along with your skills and weaknesses…

They just imply, “Follow me because my paycheck is huge. If you want your name on this paycheck, just sign up under me.”

And to be honest, a lot of new marketers do.

And they NEVER hear from that leader until they actually start producing a solid income and make that leader take notice.

Most of the time, that never happens.

And second, and this is where it gets really scuzzy. Yes, their paychecks are large and in charge.

But, what they don’t tell you is, how many tens of thousands of dollars they spent on advertising to make that money.

Now, I’m not hating on how they market. It’s honestly a very smart business decision on their part.

But, the average marketer doesn’t have tens of thousands to invest in ads.

Most don’t have even hundreds of dollars, because they literally signed up and got started with everything they had.

Now, they are left dead in the water with this leader as there sponsor.

And that’s the ugly truth with not just Empower Network, but most affiliate opportunities.

That is why I don’t throw around pictures of me with big paychecks. I think it’s very poor taste.

Instead, I choose to lead by adding value, and giving you the FACTS.

And with my team, they know they can contact me and get the coaching they need.

I understand that everyone is completely different, and has different skills, weaknesses, abilities, comfort levels, schedules, and amount of effort they are willing to put in.

So, if a leader offers the same cookie cutter training for everyone, I highly suggest you run. And don’t look back.

Because, contrary to popular belief, what’s good for the goose, is not always good for the gander.

You need to stand up and recognize that you’re not just a number, but that you’re an individual.

And that Empower Network is a legitimate business.

So, if you make the decision to partner with Empower… make the decision to partner with a leader who will recognize that you are unique.

And who will give you the personal attention that you deserve.

Now, of course I am bias to this pretty face I see in the mirror everyday as the #1 Empower Network Leader.

But, as you can tell from this article, I’m all about value.

So, whether it’s me or another leader, make sure they vibe with you as person.

And make sure they are willing to coach you. Otherwise, hit the road jack and don’t come back.

And in the spirit of giving value, I want to throw in a little treat.

I’m going to make my personal system that I use to be an Empower Network Leader, absolutely free to you.

Really!?! Yes!!!

Just click here, and instead of going to a hyped up sales page, you’ll be able to get the FACTS behind my system and see if it’s for you.

If it is, great! If not, you still get a free system that you can use to make a profit online.

So there you have it my fellow future 6-figure/year income earners.

That’s Empower Network in a nutshell…


To your success with Empower Network!

Your Empower Network Blogging Queen,
Maria Galloway

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